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Frequently Asked Questions

Everything You Need to Know

How many dogs can I bring?

A 'single session' allows for one household to bring up to 4 dogs. There is also the option to book a 'shared session' so that you can share the hour with friends/family from ONE other household, this option is also limited to 4 dogs. If you want to select the single or combined option but have a larger pack, then the 'group session' allows for up to 6 dogs. 
For all enquiries that fall outside of these categories, please contact us directly to discuss your individual requirements and we will do our best to accommodate you.

How many people can attend a session?

Regardless of the number of dogs, we ask that the maximum number of people on site is restricted to 4 at any time. Again, please contact us directly with any special requests.

I am a dog walker or trainer- can I hire the paddock?

Yes but please contact us directly to discuss your requirements prior to making a reservation.

How do I get to The Paddocks?

The facility is located at: 


Rose Farm House

Breakspear Road North




The house is near to the junction with Fine Bush Lane, where Breakspear Road North becomes Breakspear Road South. 

You will see two sets of white electric gates. The gate which you enter by will be open for you on your arrival. If by any chance it is not then please ring the buzzer and someone will let you in.


Once in the driveway, follow the signs round to the right where they will direct you behind the double garage to a gravel car park area. Please leave your car in the car park and walk through the wooden gate, up the track to the paddock. KEEP DOGS ON THEIR LEADS UNTIL YOU ARE SAFELY IN THE ENCLOSED AREA.

How long is each session?

Our slots are 60 minutesbeginning on the hour every hour within opening hours. 

It is important to note that your one hour slot is inclusive of the time it takes to vacate the paddock, so please factor in a few minutes at the end of your session for washing and drying dogs and getting them safely back into the car. It is essential that all visitors vacate the premises by the start of the next session so that you do not overlap with the next person arriving. 

Can I bring children with me?

Yes, you are welcome to bring them with you but please be aware that the maximum number of people on site at any time should be no more than 4.

Children must be accompanied by the adult that made the booking and must be supervised at all times.

Any equipment or obstacles provided in the paddock are for canine use, they are not intended for children!


Is there a dog poo bin?

Yes, there is a metal bin near to the entrance of the paddock that is specifically for dog poo. You can use the bags provided for you, or bring your own. 


Will there be other dogs on site? 

When you book your session, you will have sole access to all of the enclosed paddock facility. There are, however, resident dogs on site that live in the farmhouse. They cannot get into the paddocks but may be close by in the garden, or being walked around the fields attached to the property. If your dog/s is particularly sensitive and reactive and it is essential that no other dogs could potentially be seen or heard, then please consider the suitability for your dog when booking our facility. (Please contact Genna to discuss if you are concerned) 

Is the paddock completely secure?

The whole paddock area, including the stable and wash areas, are enclosed with 5ft fencing, made of strong wire mesh. There is also an additional overhang to ensure that dogs cannot climb out. The paddock is a purpose built dog facility, so we have done all we can to ensure that it is secure. As a general rule, however, we do suggest that you walk around the paddock prior to letting your dog off the lead, so that you can asses the facility for yourself. 

Please do not open any gates that lead out into the surrounding fields as these areas are private and not dog safe.  

Do you have insurance?

The Paddocks has a public liability insurance policy with Pet Business Insurance.
We do not insist that the dogs visiting us are fully insured, as this is the owner's choice, but we strongly recommend that they are.

My dog has been unwell, can I still bring them?

If your dog has had diarrhoea or vomiting in the 48hrs prior to your session then please keep them at home. 

We also strongly recommend that all dogs are up to date with flea, tick and worming treatments at all times.

Can I leave my dog in the paddock?

No. Dogs must be accompanied and/or watched at all times by their humans!

How far in advance can I book?

As far ahead as you like, but be advised that we have a cancellation policy so if you are not going to be able to attend then you need to cancel your session with as much notice as possible (at least 24hrs) or risk still being charged.

How do I book?

You can use our easy online booking system, or alternatively we are happy for you to contact us directly to book a session. 

How do I pay?

Online payment at the time of booking is now in place. If you have already booked a session prior to this new payment system and have not yet paid then please continue to use the cash honesty box located on site when you arrive for your session.

Will my dog get dirty?

During the winter months our paddock can hold water and get a bit muddy in areas. Wellies or boots are a must for the humans! 
As for muddy dogs, we've got you covered- all visitors can enjoy access to a doggy wash area where you can rinse them off with a warm water hose.


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